Belimo Actuators
Belimo 2.5Nm 24V 2-Position Spring Return Valve Actuator w/ Aux Switch
$216.60 $361.00 ex GST
Belimo 10Nm 24...240V On/Off Spring Return Rotary Valve Actuator
$363.60 $606.00 ex GST
Belimo 10Nm 24...240V On/Off Spring Return Rotary Valve Actuator w/ Aux Switch
$391.80 $653.00 ex GST
Belimo 2.5Nm 240V 2-Position Spring Return Valve Actuator w/ Aux Switch
$229.80 $383.00 ex GST
Belimo 4Nm 240V On/Off Spring Return Rotary Valve Actuator with Aux Switches
$357.00 $595.00 ex GST
Belimo 5Nm 240V 3-Position Valve Actuator with Auxiliary Switch
$195.00 $325.00 ex GST
Actuators actuators.
Works test damper areas air quality fail safe ball valves butterfly valves home belimo belimo damper actuator valves pressure fail safe damper actuators valves pressure actuators belimo home belimo globe valves fail safe actuators belimo fail safe energy valve energy valve energy valve home belimo control valves belimo damper actuator damper actuator fail safe globe valves actuators belimo ball valves fail safe valves pressure damper areas energy valve belimo damper actuator valves belimo globe valves butterfly valves speed drives damper actuator actuators belimo angle of rotation speed drives valves belimo control valves globe valves butterfly valves works test belimo actuator brand belimo damper areas actuators belimo air quality home belimo belimo actuator angle of rotation valves pressure air quality spring return works test energy valve home belimo brand belimo angle of rotation home belimo valves belimo valves belimo ball valves butterfly valves damper actuator valves belimo speed drives valves belimo damper actuators ball valves butterfly valves belimo actuator damper areas damper areas energy valve damper actuators energy valve control valves butterfly valves spring return control valves works test globe valves brand belimo valves belimo air quality ball valves butterfly valves control valves spring return butterfly valves belimo damper actuator valves belimo control valves fail safe speed drives damper areas damper actuators globe valves angle of rotation air quality valves belimo damper actuator valves pressure globe valves ball valves damper areas belimo damper actuator belimo actuator belimo actuator air quality works test actuators belimo globe valves home belimo angle of rotation valves pressure home belimo spring return energy valve energy valve damper actuator actuators belimo angle of rotation ball valves butterfly valves works test fail safe belimo damper actuator valves pressure control valves globe valves air quality energy valve ball valves butterfly valves ball valves butterfly valves works test home belimo works test damper actuators actuators belimo damper actuators valves belimo damper actuators damper actuators control valves valves belimo home belimo belimo actuator belimo damper actuator butterfly valves air quality works test angle of rotation valves belimo home belimo speed drives works test ball valves actuators belimo valves belimo fail safe home belimo valves pressure damper areas fail safe energy valve globe valves valves belimo actuators belimo energy valve home belimo angle of rotation works test valves belimo works test belimo actuator globe valves fail safe valves belimo globe valves speed drives damper areas butterfly valves damper areas valves belimo globe valves globe valves ball valves ball valves butterfly valves fail safe ball valves belimo damper actuator valves pressure control valves damper actuator works test valves belimo brand belimo fail safe ball valves butterfly valves ball valves butterfly valves valves belimo valves pressure fail safe actuators belimo spring return belimo damper actuator butterfly valves air quality air quality works test air quality spring return valves pressure angle of rotation valves belimo globe valves valves belimo damper actuator belimo actuator spring return air quality ball valves damper areas globe valves spring return ball valves energy valve damper actuators angle of rotation brand belimo globe valves air quality control valves speed drives energy valve butterfly valves speed drives angle of rotation ball valves butterfly valves ball valves butterfly valves valves pressure works test ball valves butterfly valves works test valves belimo control valves energy valve works test spring return valves belimo damper actuators home belimo ball valves butterfly valves valves belimo belimo actuator home belimo control valves belimo actuator damper actuators valves pressure globe valves butterfly valves works test ball valves damper actuators butterfly valves valves pressure damper areas ball valves butterfly valves spring return ball valves butterfly valves brand belimo damper actuators valves pressure air quality air quality.
Actuator belimo actuator actuator belimo's belimo actuators belimo
Air conditioning air conditioning control valves hvac systems weather butterfly valve ball valves fire damper fail safe valve actuators ball valves temperature control valves hvac systems control valve ball valves setpoint valve actuators ball valves automation psi temperature control valves actuator kvs setpoint smoke damper electric actuator ball valves butterfly valve automation valve actuators kvs valve actuators automation setpoint weather hvac systems ball valve smoke damper control valves setpoint hvac systems weather hvac setpoint rotary valve weather humidity smoke damper rotary actuator a/c kvs actuator weather smoke damper hvac temperature ball valve rotary valve sensor air conditioning temperature hvac hvac systems electric actuator ball valve a/c ball valves automation fail-safe smoke damper smoke damper fan coil unit sensor ball valves electric actuator sensor psi globe valve floating point actuators temperature rotary valve fail safe actuator rotary valve actuators weather air conditioning hvac systems ball valves fail-safe automation fail-safe fail safe actuators fail-safe hvac systems hvac systems temperature valve actuator fire damper actuators valve actuator valve actuators floating point psi valve actuator a/c valve actuators fire damper actuator actuator automation fail-safe valve actuator fire damper setpoint weather psi fire damper humidity control valve control valve fail safe fail safe fail safe electronics globe valve control valve weather butterfly valve fire damper fail-safe globe valve a/c control valve globe valve actuators hvac valve actuator ball valve fail safe hvac systems sensor actuator valve actuator weather rotary valve weather fan coil unit temperature air conditioning valve actuators fail-safe fire damper floating point sensor temperature globe valve valve actuator smoke damper globe valve hvac setpoint fire damper a/c fire damper fan coil unit hvac systems rotary actuator sensor electric actuator fail-safe fan coil unit electric actuator valve actuator sensor fan coil unit electric actuator butterfly valve.
Actuator belimo actuator belimo's belimo
Ball valve rotary valve electronics actuator valve actuators rotary actuator valve actuator humidity control valves actuator hvac sensor electronics weather temperature control valve floating point ball valves kvs rotary valve butterfly valve air conditioning setpoint electric actuator ball valve actuators butterfly valve setpoint humidity rotary actuator ball valve air conditioning sensor floating point sensor actuator fan coil unit hvac air conditioning control valve electric actuator control valve floating point valve actuator humidity control valves globe valve rotary actuator smoke damper hvac rotary actuator globe valve kvs valve actuators setpoint floating point a/c actuator a/c hvac systems ball valves ball valves hvac electronics floating point rotary valve actuator smoke damper psi smoke damper butterfly valve humidity fire damper rotary valve psi fail-safe butterfly valve setpoint control valve rotary valve fail safe hvac butterfly valve air conditioning air conditioning sensor actuators automation hvac air conditioning control valve fire damper hvac systems ball valves valve actuator fail-safe automation smoke damper humidity actuators control valve hvac fail safe globe valve sensor rotary actuator psi valve actuators actuators electronics a/c temperature weather valve actuator ball valve rotary actuator valve actuators control valve control valve valve actuator valve actuators psi smoke damper control valves psi actuator actuators hvac temperature floating point actuator fail-safe fail safe control valve fan coil unit electric actuator ball valves kvs control valves smoke damper automation weather humidity ball valves kvs butterfly valve psi fail safe weather ball valves ball valve sensor actuator weather rotary actuator valve actuator a/c fail safe actuator fail-safe valve actuator electronics hvac systems fail safe humidity hvac systems weather valve actuator humidity actuator sensor ball valves control valve sensor fire damper rotary valve setpoint valve actuator actuator actuator a/c valve actuators smoke damper electronics control valve weather fan coil unit psi globe valve valve actuators fan coil unit a/c valve actuators control valves humidity psi kvs smoke damper setpoint globe valve psi kvs rotary actuator hvac ball valves butterfly valve globe valve humidity ball valves smoke damper rotary valve kvs automation automation actuator floating point temperature automation smoke damper hvac systems sensor sensor ball valve fire damper rotary valve fail-safe air conditioning setpoint psi a/c fail safe rotary actuator automation hvac actuator ball valves rotary actuator floating point automation fail-safe butterfly valve humidity actuators rotary actuator smoke damper weather fan coil unit floating point smoke damper control valve ball valves ball valve kvs floating point fail safe valve actuators fail-safe fail safe ball valve a/c setpoint valve actuator humidity smoke damper fail safe weather ball valve rotary valve butterfly valve valve actuator weather control valves humidity rotary valve ball valve electronics smoke damper hvac systems hvac air conditioning kvs fail safe floating point butterfly valve fan coil unit sensor fail safe electric actuator electronics hvac systems fire damper actuator globe valve smoke damper psi valve actuator ball valve weather a/c floating point sensor ball valves fail-safe control valve setpoint ball valves sensor smoke damper fail-safe globe valve control valve control valves fan coil unit control valves weather actuator floating point fire damper psi setpoint sensor globe valve valve actuator ball valves actuator psi smoke damper electric actuator fail safe temperature control valve butterfly valve hvac systems rotary valve electronics ball valve butterfly valve a/c butterfly valve a/c sensor actuator ball valve fail safe rotary valve valve actuators fire damper hvac fail safe rotary actuator kvs automation weather ball valves actuator automation psi globe valve fail-safe actuators rotary actuator actuator psi control valve control valve fire damper control valve fail safe air conditioning control valve fire damper automation rotary actuator electronics electric actuator psi globe valve floating point temperature smoke damper sensor fire damper valve actuators sensor valve actuators ball valve automation temperature fire damper valve actuators humidity valve actuators valve actuators temperature temperature kvs humidity kvs setpoint fail safe smoke damper fan coil unit electric actuator rotary valve automation rotary actuator valve actuators rotary valve smoke damper butterfly valve electronics automation hvac systems control valve globe valve weather control valve fail safe ball valves fire damper air conditioning humidity kvs a/c valve actuator control valve hvac temperature automation fail-safe electronics ball valves rotary actuator electric actuator floating point psi temperature electronics smoke damper actuators actuator actuator globe valve weather actuators sensor temperature electronics control valve fail safe valve actuator air conditioning hvac systems floating point valve actuator actuator setpoint rotary actuator air conditioning humidity valve actuator automation valve actuators psi rotary actuator air conditioning weather globe valve hvac fire damper setpoint floating point actuator psi a/c a/c valve actuator fail-safe fail safe electric actuator actuator air conditioning a/c valve actuators hvac systems ball valves electronics valve actuator kvs valve actuator temperature temperature humidity electronics fan coil unit ball valve sensor rotary valve electronics temperature smoke damper actuators globe valve floating point actuators control valves fail-safe ball valve temperature fire damper temperature actuator setpoint air conditioning a/c a/c kvs air conditioning rotary actuator fan coil unit fan coil unit temperature hvac systems weather control valve control valve control valves valve actuators a/c electric actuator humidity globe valve automation fan coil unit control valve actuators fail-safe electric actuator setpoint automation rotary valve fail safe butterfly valve control valves ball valves electric actuator weather ball valve air conditioning sensor hvac systems sensor fail-safe ball valve temperature humidity floating point control valves weather fire damper globe valve electronics hvac systems ball valve control valves hvac systems fail safe hvac systems fail-safe actuators control valve electronics fail safe air conditioning control valves smoke damper humidity actuators hvac fire damper globe valve psi a/c temperature control valve fire damper automation ball valves actuators a/c rotary valve electric actuator rotary valve butterfly valve hvac systems ball valves control valve electric actuator butterfly valve setpoint actuators valve actuator automation kvs control valves temperature fail-safe ball valves valve actuator automation temperature electronics control valves a/c fail safe smoke damper fail safe temperature smoke damper hvac systems control valve fail-safe fail-safe setpoint control valve fail safe rotary valve fire damper humidity smoke damper hvac actuator weather electric actuator control valve butterfly valve automation weather actuators control valves electronics sensor hvac setpoint butterfly valve electronics humidity air conditioning butterfly valve air conditioning a/c air conditioning automation globe valve fail-safe smoke damper hvac systems kvs smoke damper control valves valve actuators sensor air conditioning setpoint control valve weather rotary valve control valve control valves fan coil unit electric actuator air conditioning valve actuator fail safe actuators setpoint hvac automation kvs ball valve fire damper kvs rotary actuator valve actuators globe valve psi actuator butterfly valve a/c air conditioning humidity fail-safe automation temperature control valves setpoint globe valve control valves air conditioning smoke damper humidity ball valve control valve electric actuator weather temperature a/c humidity butterfly valve fail-safe sensor smoke damper kvs ball valves smoke damper a/c rotary actuator humidity temperature a/c fan coil unit sensor psi control valves hvac fail safe control valves humidity setpoint humidity humidity ball valve humidity air conditioning fail-safe humidity humidity a/c sensor control valve fan coil unit valve actuators fan coil unit control valve fan coil unit rotary valve fail safe fail safe kvs humidity butterfly valve kvs weather automation hvac systems electronics temperature psi ball valve air conditioning actuators actuators kvs kvs humidity psi electronics air conditioning fail-safe air conditioning sensor temperature temperature control valves rotary actuator actuators air conditioning fan coil unit air conditioning a/c actuators ball valves fail-safe rotary actuator ball valve psi rotary actuator rotary valve kvs electronics ball valves a/c globe valve fail safe globe valve ball valves smoke damper sensor butterfly valve electronics hvac systems fail-safe humidity hvac a/c sensor a/c hvac systems electric actuator fail safe temperature sensor temperature valve actuator fail-safe psi air conditioning actuator control valves actuators temperature actuators fail-safe a/c floating point hvac weather humidity valve actuator fail safe valve actuator actuators humidity control valves smoke damper fire damper fail safe fail safe psi smoke damper control valves electronics electric actuator ball valves smoke damper actuators automation fire damper butterfly valve air conditioning humidity ball valves electric actuator butterfly valve kvs hvac actuators hvac butterfly valve temperature globe valve actuator valve actuator actuators fire damper hvac systems temperature sensor kvs hvac systems valve actuators fire damper a/c ball valve automation control valves sensor humidity kvs actuators setpoint hvac systems fail safe actuator control valve ball valve control valve globe valve psi a/c butterfly valve hvac sensor fan coil unit hvac fail-safe weather control valves rotary valve fire damper sensor fail safe smoke damper sensor setpoint sensor smoke damper smoke damper actuator ball valve kvs air conditioning air conditioning floating point actuators humidity electronics fail-safe hvac fail safe kvs butterfly valve smoke damper electric actuator temperature setpoint setpoint actuators hvac rotary valve hvac systems smoke damper weather floating point valve actuator temperature kvs fan coil unit electronics psi psi ball valves valve actuators control valve temperature valve actuator psi hvac electric actuator smoke damper rotary valve control valve psi rotary actuator valve actuator fail-safe ball valves ball valve sensor electric actuator control valves psi sensor temperature rotary actuator actuator psi weather electric actuator rotary valve psi hvac systems weather hvac electronics kvs electronics setpoint humidity electronics valve actuator weather electric actuator fire damper hvac globe valve air conditioning fan coil unit valve actuators hvac systems actuators ball valve hvac control valve fire damper weather actuator temperature rotary actuator actuators actuator fan coil unit valve actuator fail safe rotary valve weather fail safe smoke damper control valve fan coil unit smoke damper actuator actuator control valves rotary valve humidity electronics butterfly valve rotary valve valve actuators fire damper rotary actuator kvs fan coil unit electronics electric actuator automation fail safe actuators sensor rotary actuator setpoint valve actuator weather actuators control valves actuators electronics setpoint butterfly valve valve actuators butterfly valve sensor hvac control valve butterfly valve globe valve smoke damper weather kvs actuators valve actuator valve actuators valve actuators fire damper temperature hvac setpoint kvs electronics fan coil unit valve actuator floating point rotary valve fail-safe rotary valve floating point psi rotary valve electric actuator actuators humidity humidity valve actuators fan coil unit a/c temperature actuator electronics control valves floating point fail-safe hvac humidity electronics temperature rotary actuator humidity butterfly valve ball valves control valves control valve fire damper psi rotary valve kvs sensor kvs rotary valve valve actuators floating point hvac temperature floating point actuators rotary actuator butterfly valve actuator fail-safe ball valves rotary actuator electric actuator actuators temperature setpoint rotary valve electric actuator humidity control valve actuator kvs fire damper control valve setpoint hvac smoke damper rotary valve smoke damper humidity kvs rotary actuator ball valve actuators sensor fan coil unit control valves butterfly valve valve actuator hvac systems butterfly valve ball valves control valve ball valve rotary actuator sensor control valves automation setpoint control valves temperature psi globe valve fire damper electric actuator automation valve actuators actuators valve actuator weather humidity actuator ball valves control valves smoke damper butterfly valve temperature rotary valve setpoint ball valves air conditioning weather butterfly valve floating point electric actuator rotary actuator floating point control valve humidity control valve butterfly valve rotary actuator ball valve electronics butterfly valve weather temperature fail safe hvac systems a/c humidity control valve electronics fail safe setpoint weather floating point fail safe weather rotary valve.
belimo belimo belimo actuator actuators belimo belimo actuator
Belimo belimo actuator belimo belimo actuators belimo actuators actuator belimo actuators belimo actuator actuators belimo actuators belimo actuator belimo actuators belimo actuator belimo actuator actuator actuators belimo actuator actuators belimo actuators belimo actuators belimo belimo actuators actuators actuators actuator belimo actuators actuators belimo actuator belimo actuator belimo actuators actuators belimo actuator belimo actuator belimo belimo actuators belimo belimo actuators actuator belimo belimo actuators belimo belimo actuator belimo actuator belimo actuator belimo belimo actuators actuator belimo actuators belimo actuator belimo actuators actuator belimo actuator actuator belimo actuator belimo actuator actuator belimo belimo actuator belimo actuators actuator actuators belimo actuators belimo actuator actuators belimo actuator belimo actuators belimo actuators belimo actuators belimo actuators belimo actuators actuators belimo actuator belimo belimo belimo actuators belimo actuator belimo actuator belimo actuators belimo actuators belimo actuator belimo belimo actuators belimo actuator belimo belimo actuator belimo actuators actuators belimo actuator belimo actuator actuators belimo actuators actuators belimo actuator belimo actuators actuator belimo belimo actuators actuators belimo belimo actuators belimo actuator belimo actuator belimo belimo actuator belimo actuators belimo actuator actuators actuator belimo actuator actuator.
12062024What are Belimo Actuators in the HVAC sector?
Belimo Actuators are specialized devices used in the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) industry to control various elements such as valves, dampers, and variable air volume units. Designed by Belimo - a Swiss company recognised for its pioneering work in actuator technology - these tools perform the critical function of converting energy into mechanical motion. They leverage state-of-the-art technology to deliver precise control, exceptional reliability, and unrivalled energy efficiency. With an array of models tailored to different applications, Belimo Actuators are integral to maintaining optimal indoor climate conditions across diverse settings from residential buildings to industrial complexes. Their advanced design incorporates features like self-calibration and fail-safe operation modes that enhance system performance while simplifying maintenance tasks. The development of these actuators evidences Belimo's commitment to innovation, quality, and sustainability in the HVAC sector.